Why I Decided to Build This Website
Ever since our computer was first connected to the Internet, in July, 1999, the idea of creating a website appealed to me. Experimenting with WYSIWYG programs, after a long period of trial and error I created a website about Star Trek, my interest at the time. Eventually I lost interest and forgot about the website (which was totally lame anyway). It is probably still around, well past its sell-by date, contributing to the amount of crap on the Internet - rather like Wil Wheaton! I'm joking; I love WWdN and check it every day.
Later, when my interest was the US Presidents, I spent ages creating a massive website about that subject. There was a page for each of the presidents with lots of trivia and biographical information which I wrote myself. I used FrontPage to create it. I never put it on the web though, and when I lost interest in the presidents I deleted the whole thing to make room on my hard drive for other junk.
Then, I started to learn htmlL for fun (I am so weird, huh?). I created this really cool template for my website (yeah, I lost it and had to use the one you see instead!) but I had nothing to put on it. Actually I still don't, but I discovered blogging and thought it would be a good way to create my own website. So, I signed up for my blogger account, edited in my template, made a few extra pages with my biography etc. and then by the miracle of FTP dumped it all onto someone elses' server for all to see. Of course, in reality, no one but me will see, but, heh, here it is.
So, the short answer: I was bored.
Check back for updates as the website evolves (in a totally non-literal sense!).
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