If a website is popular, the webmaster usually puts up an FAQ page, with the answers to some of the questions most frequently asked.
No one ever e-mails me with questions.
So, when trying to come up with another page for my website, I decided to make an FAQ page, not with questions asked by other people, but with the questions I end up asking and never getting an answer to. Some are big, "meaning of life" type things (though not that meaningful), while others are just little things (you know, the sort that seem petty but keep you up all night anyway). If you have the answers to any of these, please e-mail me and put me out of my misery.
- Why is it so hard for people to write properly? On the internet I see a lot of pages with people using shortened words, putting numbers into words to shorten them, and completely throwing all notions of grammar away. This infuriates me because it then takes me twice as long to figure out what they are saying. Now, I admit that sometimes I make stupid mistakes in my writing, either typos or spelling errors (of course, I always blame them on something else, like spellcheck being set on the wrong language, whomever is proof reading, or my dog) but these people actually write like that on purpose and it is just so annoying. Why can't they just write properly?
- Caffeine-free diet Coke - what's the point?
- Why is ability at sports valued over intelligence at most schools? At my school the popular kids were the ones who were on various sports teams and good at games, while the kids who got picked on were either lame at sports, the intelligent grade-A students (or both, which was often the case). The really stupid thing is that the kids who get good grades and go to university will be able to get a chance of a good life, while those kids who do nothing but play sport are more likely than not to have nothing left for them when they finish school (even if they are more confident, having never been locked in a toilet or chased home from school). At my old school TPTB decided that there was a discipline problem. Their method of tackling it: they reward the trouble-makers if they behave for one lesson, but do absolutely nothing positive for the good students. If you're an average kids going into a class and you see the students who work hard being pushed around and bullied, and the kids who just play sports and muck around getting all the attention, what group are you going to try to fit in with? It's crazy...
- Why can't people just say what they mean instead of using so many expressions and "figures of speech"? I find it so hard to figure out what is being said when people use so many expressions for one thing or anyother with saying directly what they mean. I end up taking what people say literally all the time, which is why I have previously been seen to run screaming when someone asks to "pick my brains" or to bend over and pull my socks up at someone's command (seriously, how am I supposed to know they don't mean it literally?). Definitely a crazy world...
- Similar to the above question: why can't people be accurate? I mean, they say "I'll be there in a minute", but how often are they actually there in a minute? Not a lot, is the answer. If people meant what they said and did what they said they would (should that be say what they'll do, perhaps?) then the world would be a whole lot easier.
- Okay, how can I be popular and fit-in? Stupid question that I hate myself for asking, but I am curious...I mean, when I was at school the other kids hated me because I was a "geek" - their words. But online I don't fit into the true "geek" community because I don't know enough about computers (!) for their liking. I have a grand total of 0 friends (not including family and pets, which no one ever counts anyway). Now, I don't think that fitting in with any group is particularly important, but I'd still like to know the answer to the all important question: "how do I make friends and influence people?" ... perhaps there's a book of some sort!
- Why do I dress like such a jerk? I wear jeans or cargo trousers, a t-shirt/polo shirt or shirt, sometimes a sweater, sneakers/trainers or boots, and my really think glasses (stupid astigmatism). According to my sister, the contitutes dressing like a jerk - why?
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